Saturday, November 30, 2013

8 months

Ella at 8 months
Ella is such a little mover, she now keeps her stomach off the ground while crawling and continues to get faster every day. She has started pulling up on lower objects, such as the laundry baskets. She is mom's little helper and follows me wherever I go. She babbles and sings (I think thanks to her awesome Kindermusik class and friends). She has a sweet voice. She is definitely trying to tell us things. I have started some baby sign language and she has come up with some of her own responses. She loves baby food and puffs. She is branching out with the foods and is now on to the phase 2 foods and now eats all of the baby food I made. She likes most foods, but anything sweet is a hit. She had her first thanksgiving meal with turkey baby food. She is working on clapping and waving.

She participated in her first 5K, I pushed her in the Cranberry Twp Turkey Chase in her jogging stroller. It was 19 out, we used her snowsuit, blankets and the stroller weather cover to keep her toasty. She seemed to enjoy being outside.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Thanksgiving was in Pittsburgh this year. We celebrated at the Andrews' home with the Winschel side of the family. Ella's first Thanksgiving was wonderful. She got to play with the cousins and great aunt and uncles, and she had her baby food with turkey and sweet potatoes.  She partied hard, but went down quietly for a snooze so we could have some adult time.
Ella in her party dress and Dad all dressed up for Thanksgiving dinner.

Ella and Grandma Jeanne

Ella finally meets her Great Uncle Gary, and Great Aunt Nancy gets some more hugs.

Grandma Jeanne had a present for Ella.

Present time? Ella is distracted by her toys.

What a pretty Christmas outfit!

Ella has her Turkey bib on, lets go people!

Ella is introduced to Dean.

Ella with Phil

Ella meets Bridget for the first time. Best friends.

Happy Birthday to Nate.

Cuddles with Great Aunt Marie.

Ella getting in on the games.