We have made it to Ella's first 2nd holiday. She was born the day before Easter last year, so she already had her first Easter. It may sound silly to some, but this was cool for us. After a year of celebrating firsts, this was her first second. I feel like we can kind of relax a bit, since she is old new now ;)
Easter was always a fun holiday growing up for Nate and myself. Our families had different traditions, so it was fun talking about what we should do for Ella. My family always had the kids hunt for eggs, and then we could open our Easter baskets. Nate said they had to find their hidden Easter baskets. Since Ella isn't old enough to understand finding a hidden object, we just let her open her basket. Next year though, there will be an egg and possible basket hunt.
After fun at our own home, we headed to the south hills for a fun filled day with his family.
We head to his parents home, and then we continue down the street (after dropping off our stuff) to Grandma Alice's home. She hosts brunch. Ella gets tons of love and we fill up on yummy brunch items while catching up with Nate's dad's side of the family. It is always a good time. Ella got to play with great grandma and all of the aunts, uncles and cousins. Now would be a good time for a nap, so we walk back down to Nate's parent's to attempt a nap with Ella...LOL...I think she did sleep for a little. We all rest a bit as we get ready for dinner.
Nate's mom hosts Easter dinner, it is tradition. I have been here for Easter since we have been in Pittsburgh (so at least 5 Easters now). This year we were blessed with a sunny and warm Easter. This makes Easter dinner more fun because we can utilize the awesome outdoor patio my in-laws have, and Ella is a total outside baby. She is happiest outside (this cannot be stressed enough). We were able to socialize with Nate's mom's side of the family. Such a crazy, busy, wonderful, family filled day.
Thank you to my family for feeding us and playing with Ella so Nate and I could catch up with you and actually listen to what you are saying. Love you all. Looking forward to next time when it will be Ella's 3rd Easter (isn't that crazy?!?). Here are some shots of Ella opening gifts (I apologize to those who gave us gifts early, I totally forgot to take pics of it, but thank you so much. Ella is so spoiled by all of you), and of our shenanigans.
Good Easter morning world, why yes I have pink bunny ears to wear. Where do they go? |
Ava Belle Kitty seems to like the ears... |
Oh, so this is where they go. cool. |
Nope, I'm a princess now. |
Opening our Easter card from great grandparents in Michigan. Ella loves opening cards. |
Bonus, an Easter gift card. Ella loves target. |
All dressed up in our Easter dress, the bow is still in our hair, shoes are still on our feet. This is a win for mom. Hmm, Ella has found Great Grandma Alice's cats. |
Ella checking out the porch |
Playing with Great Grandma Alice |
What did Ella find?!? |
Ella with her Holland ladies |
Before nap, Ella gets an Easter basket from her Andrulonis grandparents. What a lucky little girl. |
Uncle Matt and Grandma helping Ella open her presents. |
Family action shot. |
double fisting with her new sippy... and the bow is now gone (sigh). |
Kathleen gets the party started with an awesome Pinterest Win!! Peeps, yes please. |
Ella is getting her snuggles on with Nancy and Judy. |
Grandma love, and the bow is back in...for now. |
Ella is making the rounds, Katherine snuggles. |
group shot |
Ella with Katherine and Phil |
Awesome patio shot |
We ate dinner outside, so I put Ella's chair on the ground. She loved it! |
Phil finally gets Ella time, and she takes him on a walk around the house. |
More family time |
Ella has ditched her pretty dress for comfy clothes. Getting love from Uncle P. |
Kathleen getting some Ella time. |
Ella loves the bird |
Great Uncles getting time with Ella |
Ella climbing stairs with Bridget |
Ella's bunny hat is out and making the rounds :) |
Saying goodbye is hard to do :( |
Where's Ella? |
winding down the night |
Judy gets some Ella time |
Marie finally gets her Ella time...and Ella has found a duck. Did I mention that she liked birds? |